
Hotel a Vung Tau

Incuneata tra due montagne, quella che fu una città coloniale francese venne usata dai sodati americani come stazione balneare per riposarsi e rilassarsi durante la guerra in Vietnam. Le spiagge lungo la costa sono ancora il luogo ideale per ricaricare le batterie.

I nostri hotel in/a Vung Tau

a group of houses next to a body of water
a large hallway with lights and flowers
a lobby with a reception desk and chairs
a pool with water and trees in the background
a pool with many pillars in it
  • Spa
  • Palestra
  • Kids Club
a road next to the water
a body of water with boats and trees
a pan of food with shrimp and green onions

Scoprite i nostri brand

  • luxury
  • premium
  • essential