
Hotel a Nha Trang

La più famosa località termale del Vietnam, con uno dei fondali più affascinanti e variegati del Paese. Esplorare le sue acque è un'esperienza rilassante quanto un trattamento in una delle sue esotiche spa.

I nostri hotel in/a Nha Trang

a pool with umbrellas and lounge chairs
a large city with a tall building
a pool with a large building in the background
a restaurant with tables and chairs
a living room with a table and chairs
  • Spa
  • Palestra
  • Sale riunioni
a table and chairs with a view of the ocean and palm trees
a large lobby with a large round ceiling and a large round table
a city next to the water
aerial view of a city by the water
a building with a sign on the wall
  • Spa
  • Palestra
  • Kids Club
a stone building with trees and plants
a beach with rocks and water
a group of people working on a large green net
a beach with buildings and a body of water

Scoprite i nostri brand

  • luxury
  • premium
  • essential