
Hoteles en Lisbona

Nel ripido labirinto di strade acciottolate del centro storico della capitale del Portogallo, si respira un'affascinante e magica aria di nostalgia. I vecchi edifici, con i panni stesi ad asciugare sui balconi di metallo, sono il luogo ideale per ascoltare il fado.

Nuestros hoteles en Lisbona

a room with a couch and a plant
a room with a computer and shelves with books and plants
a bar with a counter and chairs
a room with tables and chairs
a room with tables and chairs
  • Palestra
  • Sale riunioni
  • Eventi
a building with trees and a road
a van parked outside of a building
a pool outside of a building
a building with cars parked on the side of it
  • Spa
  • Palestra
  • Sale riunioni
a castle on the water with Belém Tower in the background
a bridge over water with a city in the background
a colorful building with tables and chairs
a city with many buildings and people walking

Descubre nuestras marcas

  • luxury
  • premium
  • essential