
Hotel a Amsterdam

La capitale dei Paesi Bassi ha numerose e spettacolari attrazioni artistiche e architettoniche. La sua cultura liberale e la sua tolleranza, il rispetto dell'ambiente e lo spirito anticonformista la rendono una città tanto eterogenea e bohémien quanto unica.

I nostri hotel in/a Amsterdam

a tall glass building with a blue sky
a glass building with a lot of bicycles parked in front of it
a glass building with a bike parked in front of it
a tall building with many windows
a glass door with a sign and trees in front of it
  • Palestra 24 ore
  • Eventi
  • Sale riunioni creative
a river with boats and trees around it
a man riding a bicycle on a brick road with large letters
a group of people standing outside of a building with neon signs
a river with buildings and trees
a store front with signs on windows
a building with glass walls and a walkway

Scoprite i nostri brand

  • luxury
  • premium
  • essential