
Hotel a Poreč

Founded by the Romans and loved by the Venetians, this city is full of history. The beaches and crystal-clear waters, the cobbled streets full of history and the magnificent port fill this location on the Istrian Peninsula with beauty.

Hotel kami dalam Poreč

a pool with umbrellas and chairs
a patio with wicker furniture and a pool of water
a table with food on it and a cup of coffee on it
a group of chairs and umbrellas on a lawn
  • Wi-Fi
  • Kolam renang luar ruangan
  • Restoran
a pool with umbrellas and chairs
a pool and a building with a glass roof
a pool and a building with a slide
a room with chairs and a door
a pool with umbrellas and a deck
a table and chairs on a patio
a playground with trees and buildings in the background
a group of people swimming in a body of water
  • Kids club
  • Kolam renang luar ruangan
  • Area bermain anak Anak
a courtyard with flowers and buildings
a pan of cooked mussels

Temukan merek kami

  • luxury
  • premium
  • essential